Highjump 2021 will take place in Hřiměždice in a limited form !! More information coming soon. Your Highjump team
Cool HIGHJUMP Tour 2020 – Photoreports
So you thought you would miss the famous HIGHJUMP vibe in 2020 because of COVID? You were wrong! We had partnered with Prima COOL to create a series of highdiving events all across the Czech Republic! You could have met the HIGHJUMP family in Havirov, Usti nad Labem, Ceske Budejovice and in Prague for the…
Grand final – Smichovska naplavka, Prague 22.8.2020
Prima Cool TV and Highjump brings to you a series of highdiving shows – the COOL HIGHJUMP TOUR. The most talented “Cool jumper” will be given an opportunity to join the famous weeklong Highjump camp and to be a part of the largest Czech diving contest in Hriměždice in 2021. On Saturday, August 22, 2020…
Official Highjump 2020 announcement
Although we tried our best and did what we could, we must officially announce that the Highjump 2020 event in the Hřiměždice quarry is cancelled. After several negotiations with the representatives of the municipality, who we consider to be our long-term partners and who we must thank for fair and honest negotiations, we came to…
Aftermovie Highjump 2019 – legends
💥💥 We present you the official aftermovie of this year HIGHJUMP Cliffdiving ‼️ Big thanks to all for 20 years of support. We all are Highjump. See you next year! What was Highjump 2019 like? How many divers competed at the 20th anniversary of this legendary summer event? Watch the final cut of our after…
Results – Highjump 2019
The main contest, in which divers were jumping into a former quarry from a 25m platform, was ruled by only 17 years old Briton Aidan Heslop. Aidan managed to defeat the Czech cliff diving star Michal Navrátil by only a few points. The Czech cup has been won by Denis Vantuch from Brno and the…
Video – HJ 2019 by Petr Klempa
HIGHJUMP 2019 video by Represent crew!!! Petr Klempa says: This was my HighJump 2019. My mood, my feelings… great event. Thanks to Represent for supporting me, and my babe with this. See ya next year dear HighJump 🔥 Stay connected —> comming soon HIGHJUMP official aftermovie!!!
Young Aidan Heslop (GB) narrowly wins the 20th Highjump
Young Aidan Heslop (GB) narrowly wins the 20th Highjump! The Czech cup goes to Vantuch! The 20th anniversary of Highjump Cliffdiving competition in central bohemian village of Hrimezdice is over. The main contest, in which divers were jumping into a former quarry from a 25m platform, was ruled by only 17 years old Briton Aidan…